Art Therapy for Learning Disabilities

Mindscape presents a programme of art therapy for people with learning disabilities. The aims are to help a person express and process emotions that are hard to put into language and develop coping strategies through finding a creative voice to enhance communication.

Mindscape ISER-LD Programme, is informed by Andrew Wright’s extensive experience, with over 25 years of working with autistic people with learning disabilities and complex needs,

ISER: Interactive – Sensory – Expression – Regulation

You can read more about this research informed approach. in an article Andrew published in an International Journal of Art Therapy.

Challenges for people with Autism and Learning Disabilities

People with learning disabilities can be more vulnerable to mental health issues and may struggle to express their emotions appropriately. Externalising behaviours may arise due to an inability to regulate, and non-verbal strategies can help.

For autistic people with Learning disabilities, minimising defensive strategies can help cope with anxiety and reduce arousal levels, which lead to emotional outbursts and aggressive behaviour. Mindscape’s therapeutic intervention programme delivers an interactive and sensory space for expression and regulation.

Benefits of Art Therapy

  • Improve emotional regulation,
  • Provide sensory integration
  • Help with abstract thinking skills
  • Improve motor skills and hand eye coordination
  • Decrease maladaptive behaviours
  • Assist with social skills and communication
Art Therapy Programme for people with learning disabilities

For more details about Autism and Art Therapy for people with learning disabilities. Check out my new blog article.: