Online Therapy – Mind-Stream Programme

Mindscape presents a new Online Therapy programme. Mindscape’s approach incorporates Creative Psychotherapy approaches, mindful approaches, CBT, and DBT skills.

This online therapy programme focuses on providing skills for managing emotions and improving relationships with others from the comfort of your own home.

Creative approaches can allow us to look at problems in a different way and open our eyes to possibilities by developing more positive and calmer states of mind.

Being creative can enable a more mindful state to help us improve focus and cognitive functioning. Whether that is sketching or doodling, writing some thoughts, taking photos, or exploring modelling materials.

Mindscape’s online therapy programme allows a person to express feelings that may not be accessed in words alone, it can aid in the capacity to mentalize, to understand our own state of mind and others. This can thus aid in the development of cognitive capabilities, self confidence and resilience.

Andrew Wright Art Psychotherapist 2021

For more information contact Mindscape