Art Therapy and Autism

Art Therapy and Autism

About Autism

Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neuro-developmental condition characterised by persistent problems in social communication, social-emotional reciprocity, and maintenance of relationships. As well as restricted patterns of behaviour and interests, with a high degree of rigidity to fixed routines and rituals. (American Psychiatric Association, 2013).

Working with Autism

These difficulties can hamper close relationships, and over-compensatory rituals and routines can provide them with feelings of safety and reassurance. It makes sense that autistics find routine very reassuring, and autistic people can adapt to change if given support to prepare, so it is not just a sudden change that can make them feel overwhelmed.
Practitioners have advocated the importance of early intervention with environmental stimulation for developing cognitive flexibility and creative thinking, as autistic people may need help with sensory processing to help them balance and regulate environmental stimuli (Edwards, 2017).

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