Finding inspiration and solace in the landscape:

Solace in the landscape
Finding solace in the landscape

During these strange and difficult times, I am focusing on the themes of wellbeing and creativity, I thought I would post some words from a mindful creative writing activity I did for myself.

Poetry and writing down how one feels has always been very therapeutic and like making art it can also help to express and process feelings. It can also be quite whimsical and silly depending on your mood. You can also have fun trying to come up with flowery big words 🙂

It was after a trip to the forest for some work that I was doing. I decided to write some impressions of the experience. I found it quite soothing and also fun. Its funny growing up in Dorset I did not always go much to the New Forest but now it is like a second home.

So after or during your walk, take out a notebook and just writes down what you saw and felt on your trip. Focus on your senses and immerse yourself in the experience. Then let the words flow and go with it.

Seas of calm wash over you when you enter the forest, feeling safe here to put the worries to one side,

The undulating hills that stretch to the distance,

The small streams that seep through the valley,

Walking down the stony track

Seeing the white horse and rider riding over the ridge,

The green carpet expanse that unfolds down the hill,

The bracken and the rabbit holes cluster around the shaded patch under the trees,

Sheltered by foliage,

The sun shines bright and the heat beats down,

Cheeks and ears feeling red,

Getting more comfortable now lying and closing eyes. Talking and conversing in these socially distant times,

Suddenly a greyhound flashes past in an instance. Followed by a furry vibrant red setter ambling in his furry trousers and a small jack Russell walking like a boss behind,

Time to move on as the day is drawing to a close,

I thought why have just one breed of dog when you can have a menagerie 🙂

So why not go for a walk, or cycle and enjoy the landscape. Then writes down some thoughts and impressions. Poetry is great as like doodling and drawing it can be very spontaneous, opening our mind. Creative writing and space to play have massive benefits for our wellbeing. IT can also be fun and humour can really help us.

Letting the mind unwind can really help to declutter our mind. Mindful activities is about concentrating on one thing and really help us de-stress in these distracting times full of multimedia. We also may find an amazing idea pops in our head…it happens!

Anyway go and explore and try it 🙂 Its certainl a great tinme to explore your local area.

Keep safe

Finding Inspiration in the landscape

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