Fun Creative Art Activity

Draw a holiday

Thought this would be a fun creative art activity for the holiday period. It is also great to do on zoom. There re some amazing ideas you can find online 🙂

Everyone needs a pen and paper. Place a blank sheet of paper in front of you, in the landscape direction.

We are all going on holiday. Close your eyes keep them closed. The them.e is going on a holiday to a tropical island,

  1. Draw an island in the middle of your paper.
  2. To the left of the island, draw a ship.
  3. You are surrounded by water, so put some fish in the sea.
  4. This is a tropical island, so put a palm tree on the island.
  5. It is a nice day, so put some birds in the air.
  6. That ship didn’t get there by itself, so put a sailor on the ship.
  7. The sailor might get hungry, so put some coconuts on the palm tree.
  8. Sailors like to see where they are going, so put portholes on the ship
  9. Sailors like to see entertainment, so draw a dancer or muscians on the island.
  10. It is a sunny day, so put a sun in the sky.

Okay open your eyes and see how you did…

To score your artwork:

10 points if your island is in the middle

10 points if your ship is to the left of the island, but not touching it

15 points if you have more than one fish

20 points if the base of the palm tree is on the island

15 points if more than two of the birds are in the air

20 points if the sailor is on the ship, not swimming

15 points if any coconut is on the tree

25 points if any porthole is on the ship

25 points if the dancer is dancing on the island

20 points if the sun is to the left

15 points if the sun is to the right

10 points if the sun is in the middle

200 points possible. Person with the most points wins a prize.!

Hope you enjoyed this creative art activity. Let me know how it went 🙂

Andrew C Wright

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